Are You Familiar With Epigenetics and how it relates to you, your life, health, relationships and career?
Dr. Bruce Lipton, an Epigenetic pioneer, has been a solid influence in my well-being, personal and professional growth.
“Beliefs and thoughts alter cells in your body.” – Bruce Lipton
“The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.” – Bruce Lipton
After reading his book, The Biology of Belief, 20 years ago, I was hooked on playing with the concept of how trauma effects our body’s and life experiences, mastering my self talk to influence my energetic and physical bodies, vitality, performance, longevity, my life and career, for the better. Not only did I embrace it for my own personal use, I continue to incorporate the biology of belief and the study of epigenetics into my coaching and energy healing practice.
Trauma … We all have it.
Trauma comes in varying degrees from experiencing an older sibling locking you in a dark closet, excessive teasing, receiving the silent treatment from a loved one, moderate to severe discipline, being laughed at in school, to verbal, mental, physical, sexual abuse, loss due to death, natural disasters, scenes in movies, tv, to a loud bang from a car backfiring and anything in between.
Behavioral geneticists and behavioral epigeneticists are scientists that have proven "that epigenetic changes resulting from traumatic experiences can be passed from one generation to the next, sometimes called intergenerational transmission of trauma without experiencing the actual trauma.” An extreme example can be found in a Harvard study, that exhibits evidence of intergenerational trauma in grandchildren of Holocaust survivors.
In other words, we act out what is in our genes and our beliefs. Epigenetics suggests that we can change our genes by changing our beliefs. First we make our beliefs and then our beliefs make us, so isn’t it best to create and speak beliefs for good health, happiness and success?
What preconditioned trauma responses have you been operating from your whole life and how have they impacted your life, career and relationships?
How would you know?
Developing the practice of positively speaking to yourself, your cells and mastering the practice of self awareness allows one to create their reality, consciously. We are either creating or mis-creating, the point being we are always creating. If you are breathing you are creating. We mis-create when we are not mindful or self aware, like a flag in the wind blowing at the mercy of the wind.
Epigenetic’s suggests that we can be the wind and the flag, directing our own course for great health, success, happiness, prosperity, vitality, youthfulness, beauty and more.
Why wouldn’t we want to use biology of belief and the subject of epigenetics for the optimization of self mastering your maximum potential and results?
Understanding what we are made of, what is in our genes, our patterns and why we have them, has had a profound impact on my life and in the lives of my clients.
My clients' careers and lives blossom from mediocre to extraordinary with a deeper knowing of who they are; declaring what they want and taking action to realize their goals and dreams. It is so beautiful and an honor to be a part of their journey toward consciously choosing beliefs that empower vs. dis-empower them.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”– Aristotle
“Every cell in your body is eavesdropping on your thoughts." - Deepak Chopra
If you know deep down that there must be a better way to experience and live life or are experiencing the same stagnant and sometimes painful outcomes despite your best efforts to move yourself forward, it does indeed begin with creating a different story for yourself. A story that has you operating from a healed space vs. a traumatic one. Let’s explore the BusinessofYOU™ and identify what inherit trauma responses were gifted to you that you no longer need to accept or maintain.
What repeated patterns do you see in your relationships, life and career? Do you keep experiencing the same scenario both at home and at work, but the people, names, and employers change? What hasn’t changed despite your best efforts? Where is there room for improvement?